Jean Haines
Watercolor Flowers
Filmed in USA. A beautiful DVD showing you how to paint flowers in a loose style, improving your techniques and building up your skill as a floral artist. Absolutely loved by everyone who has purchased.
Paint unique flowers blooming with life, using a variety of tips and techniques from Jean Haines. After a brief review of watercolor materials and how to find inspiration when painting flowers using resource photographs and still lifes, join Jean as she paints roses from start to finish. You’ll learn how to use warm-up exercises to create creative compositions and watercolor textures, perfect for petals and stems. Then follow along to learn how to build up your painting from a single rose to an entire bouquet using washes, negative painting, and other classic watercolor techniques. With Jean’s easy-to-follow painting process, you can paint lively watercolor flowers that are ready to bloom before your very eyes!
Running Time: 1 hour 42 Minutes