Jean Haines Watercolor Mindfulness

Jean Haines

Jean Haines Watercolor Mindfulness

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Filmed in USA . A brilliant DVD designed and created to help you reach a state of mindfulness via colour and brushwork. Works beautifully with Jeans' latest book " Paint Yourself Calm".

Learn how to paint yourself calm using a variety of watercolor tips and techniques from Jean Haines. After a brief review of watercolor art supplies and how to find inspiration for your paintings, Jean shows you how to paint with a purpose- to reach a state of calm or energy simply by moving your paintbrush. Warm up as Jean starts with a few calming exercises that help you understand how to get your watercolor paint to flow on the painting surface. Then use simple steps to breathe positive energy into a negative composition with a negative painting demonstration of a flower. Then follow along to complete two paintings using the power of color. From soothing wisteria to lively grapes, you’ll use watercolor painting techniques and the process of painting to achieve a state of inner relaxation and joy!

Running Time: 1 hour 49 Minutes
