Jean Haines
Jean Haines Watercolor Animals
Paint animals full of life and character using a variety of watercolor techniques from Jean Haines to bring out the character and personality of your favorite pets. After a basic review of watercolor materials and how to find inspiration when painting animals using resource photographs, Jean shows you how to paint a cat study and a dog portrait from start to finish. You’ll learn how to use warm-up exercises to break down a subject and improve your observation skills. Then follow along to learn how to build up your painting from eyes, nose, and ears to ultimately encompass the entire character and personality of the animal. With Jean’s easy-to-follow process, you can paint energetic animals that are ready to jump off the page!
Filmed in USA. This fabulous DVD shows you how to paint animals in simple easy to follow step by step demonstrations. Clear instruction in given to build your confidence as an artist.
Running Time: 1 hour 40 Minutes