I’m thrilled that the latest released tutorial in my new online art school is on the theme of elephants. Such majestic giants that have always appealed to me for many reasons. And I have always loved painting them but my style as always is evolving and my latest elephant watercolours to me are far more exciting and dynamic than my previous work. Why? I now feel I have grown as an artist and my knowledge of colours and techniques have consistently improved. I’m now so happy when I paint that I am eager to encourage other artists on their art journey to teach for their dreams in art whatever they may be. My tutorial is quite misleading in that you may think at first as a member of my online art school that you are simply painting a simple monochrome study of an elephant. But this tutorial combined with my Creative Washes and previous tutorial exercises can easily be built upon to lead to more complex compositions as seen in the image shared with this blog post. I do believe everyone can paint and I also believe everyone has their own style. I’m determined to help members not only find theirs but also allow it to shine. For now I’m addicted to painting elephants but who knows what will be next! Join me in my online art school if you haven’t already and be the first to find out!!