The idea of filming the tutorials , for my new online art school, in my home appealed to me. I believed it would create a more personal feel to each demonstration as I could welcome every member directly into my home. I’d also had successful experience of photography and filming sessions here before for my books. “Atmospheric Flowers in Watercolour “ was all filmed here. Every single photograph on each page was taken either in my or home and it worked perfectly as a location.
However I had forgotten one, or should I say two, tiny details. Since my last filming session at home two four legged rascals became part of our family. They have brought with them much love and laughter. And I have discovered a new found energy as I am constantly on the go with them. But I hadn’t fully absorbed the impact they would have on filming here.
So during some of my tutorials, if you are a member, you will occasionally hear me laughing or telling one of the puppies to behave . During one session both pups tried to jump on my lap at the same time as I was appropriately painting a dog demonstration. This led to a “Take Two” situation. A comical one. And how will I ever forget the day Teddy chewed through a filming equipment electric cable when we all thought he was fast asleep. Thankfully he survived but do look out for my new grey hairs that I am sure will appear at the rate these two fur balls are heading!
I apologise now for any unforeseen interruptions in the tutorials but the film crew and I agree. We could have aimed for perfect, scripted, staged demonstrations but guess what? We are aiming for genuine warmth, true life situations that enhance each filming session. Hoping you will laugh or smile too. Loving each moment. Listen out for occasional birdsong too as I have a friendly robin in our garden.
Enter my home where you are welcome and please meet Teddy and Murphy. Our two Australian Labradoodles. And laugh along with me on the odd occasion they appear!
Filming has never been so much fun and I can’t wait to share these special moments with you.
The Chaos Behind The Filming